
  中国共产党成立103周年之际,马来西亚前驻华大使、马中友好协会会长马吉德(Dato Abdul Majid Ahmad Khan)近日在接受中新网专访时表示,中国共产党取得了非常出色的成就,其各项政策引领中国取得了显著发展。他相信,在中国共产党的带领下,中国已经做好了应对未来挑战的准备,必将继续向前发展。(甘甜)

  "The record of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been very excellent,"said Dato Abdul Majid Ahmad Khan, former Malaysian ambassador to China and president of Malaysia-China Friendship Association, in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently. This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the CPC. Majid believed that under the leadership of the CPC, China is ready to overcome challenges and will move forward in the future.(Gan Tian)

  毛宁指出,当前中韩关系面临一些困难,症结是清楚的,中方重视和发展对韩关系的基本立场没有变化,希望韩方与中方相向而行,为推动两国关系重回健康发展轨道作出努力。  王志忠1965年10月出生,曾长期在公安部警卫局任职,历任警卫队队员、办公室参谋、警卫队副参谋长、办公室副主任、办公室主任。

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